Friday, April 15, 2011

The Global Network of UNESCO Chairs on Gender: Background and Objectives

The Global Network of UNESCO Chairs on Gender was created collaboratively in 2010 by UNESCO Paris and the Argentina-based UNESCO Regional Chair on Women, Science and Technology. Launched during the International Conference "Gender Equity Policies-A Prospective View: New Scenarios, Actors, and Articulations," which took place 9-12 November 2010 in Buenos Aires, the Network brings together 12 UNESCO Chairs currently developing gender research, training, and advocacy in a variety of fields around the world. Universities, research centers, NGOs, foundations, and international organizations working on gender equality are also invited to join the Network.

The Network follows the strategic orientations of the UNITWIN Programme adopted by UNESCO's Executive Board at its 176th session in April 2007. Since the adoption of these new orientations, emphasis has been placed on:

-The dual function of UNESCO Chairs and UNITWIN Networks as "think tanks" and "bridge builders" between the academic world, civil society, local communities, and policy  making;
-Readjustment of a geographic imbalance which is now in favour of the North;
-Stimulation of triangular North-South-South cooperation;
-The creation of regional or sub-regional poles of innovation and excellence;
-Closer cooperation with the United Nations University (UNU).

The Network is also aligned with UNESCO's priorities as expressed in the Medium Term Strategy for 2008-2013 as well as with the UNESCO Priority Gender Equality Action Plan 2008-2013. As an international platform, the Global Network aims to increase interdisciplinary exchange for the creation of new knowledge and innovative policies and practices.